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It is always good to see the big picture. Many times we become trapped in our own little world with challenges and difficulties around us that seem to close in. We begin focusing on our shoelaces and the little things around us rather than looking up and beyond the horizon to see a larger picture. Spiritually, we must see the big picture, as well as attend to the little needs around us. Jesus said in Luke 16:10, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.” He also said in Luke 21:28, “Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Being humble and faithful in the small things of life is important, as is also seeing the big picture. This special book—The Called . . . The Chosen: God Has Always Had a People—will thrill your heart as you trace God’s constant hand in protecting and leading a faithful people throughout history. It will unfold to you the great controversy theme. As a Seventh-day Adventist, you will trace your roots to the very beginning of history and see the unique role that God has chosen for your church to play in these end times of earth’s history. Certainly, Jesus is coming soon, and the long line of truth-believing followers of God has culminated in the heaven-borne advent movement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. From Bible and Spirit of Prophecy indication we understand this church to be God’s remnant people—His remnant church—which is to proclaim the three angels’ messages with the power of the Holy Spirit, pointing people to Christ and His salvation, to repentance and Christ’s righteousness, to the true worship of God, and to the soon second coming of Christ. Ponder these powerful words from the Spirit of Prophecy: “I
instructed to say to Seventh-day Adventists the
world over, God has called us as a people to be a
peculiar treasure unto Himself. He has appointed
that His church on earth shall stand perfectly
united in the Spirit and counsel of the Lord of
hosts to the end of time”—2SM 397.
If you have ever doubted the mission and purpose of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to which you belong, doubt no longer. We have entered a period of time unlike any other in earth’s history—a time when the Lord will use His people in a powerful way to proclaim the message of Revelation 14 and prepare people, through the grace of Christ, for His soon coming. Your church has been called to do that. You have been called by God to do that. The Called . . . The Chosen, written by Ken McFarland, originates with the “big picture” vision of Hollis Scarbrough and confirms the following statement: “Seventh-day
have been chosen by God as a peculiar people,
separate from the world. By the great cleaver of
truth He has cut them out from the quarry of the
world and brought them into connection with
Himself. He has made them His representatives and
has called them to be ambassadors for Him in the
last work of salvation. The greatest wealth of
truth ever entrusted to mortals, the most solemn
and fearful warnings ever sent by God to man, have
been committed to them to be given to the
world”—7T 138.
Can you imagine the responsibility placed by God on you and me in these momentous last days of the great controversy between Christ and Satan? This is the reason we need to be spending time in careful study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, in praying for the power of the Holy Spirit, and in sharing this wonderful message that is to be proclaimed worldwide, by God’s grace. Don’t ever be hesitant about your faith and the heritage of truth given us by God. This book will crystallize your conviction that Seventh-day Adventists have a divinely inspired mandate to share with the world. Consider this great challenge: “In
special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set
in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To
them has been entrusted the last warning for a
perishing world. On them is shining wonderful
light from the Word of God. They have been given a
work of the most solemn import— the proclamation
of the first, second and third angels’ messages.
There is no other work of so great importance.
They are to allow nothing else to absorb their
attention”—9T 19.
As you read this book and see how God guided His people throughout time down to the present, you will see that the Lord knew that His end-time remnant church would need special guidance from heaven. He provided the Spirit of Prophecy, which is to point us back to the Bible. He gave this for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, because this church is to be heaven’s chosen vehicle to proclaim the last warning message to the world and to point people to Christ, His soon coming, and the true worship of God, which will last throughout eternity. God indicated in Revelation 12:17 that His last-day church would have two special characteristics: they would keep the commandments of God, including the Sabbath-day fourth commandment, and they would have the testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy. You are part of this great movement, and as you read this book, you are reminded of that at the end of every chapter with these inspiring words: “In every age, God has always had a people—faithful and loyal, the called and chosen—and He still has a special people today.” How exciting to be part of God’s people, who have the unique and happy privilege of sharing the love of God and soon return of Christ with the entire world. As Ken McFarland says in this gripping book, “You are one of the remnant messengers who know the way to get off this planet alive and have both the mission and the privilege of sharing it with others. . . . You are one of God’s final chosen.” May you be blessed, refreshed, energized, and Spirit-filled for mission as you read how God has led His people in the past and how He is leading us into the future and to eternal life—all through the powerful name of Jesus Christ. What a privilege to be part of this church! Ted N. C. Wilson President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists |